Take Charge.

Igniting change with Take Charge.


Strategy & Planning

Creative & Branding

Digital & Web

Helping people during difficult times, especially those living in our region, is very close to our hearts. The current fuel poverty crisis is just one challenge that is affecting households across the North West and one we were keen to use our collective skills to support.

The power of partnerships.

Working in collaboration with Electricity North West, Citizens Advice Manchester, and Energy Saving Trust, we embarked on a campaign mission to empower North West households in tackling rising energy bills.

To support households, the partners offer free, impartial advice and guidance, and needed a campaign look and feel plus a suite of campaign materials and resources to get the message out that support is available.

Our shared challenge was to create a campaign identity and approach that radiated kindness, resilience, and positivity, whilst positioning the partnership as a trusted ally within the diverse regional communities that make up the North West.

In crafting the Take Charge campaign identity, our focus was on spreading feelings of empowerment, trust, and warmth. We introduced a unique campaign ID mark, including delightful elements like a cheerful 'g' in "charge” as well as a series of everyday illustrative characters able to represent the different audiences we were targeting. Our visual presentation draws upon a palette of colours and fonts to resonate universally, with shades of blue and green representing trust, reliability, and sustainability. 

take charge portrait 3

Our creative and digital strategy was flexible, agile, and continually evolving - able to adapt to work across all digital and print media, via static imagery, motion and captivating animations. Writing engaging voiceover scripts for regional radio, designing attractive social media and printed content, alongside building an accessible, easy-to-navigate and visually striking campaign website, the campaign was ready to launch to support to those who needed it most.

View the Take Charge Website.

The partnership is thrilled with the impact of the Take Charge campaign so far. It has gone far beyond initial expectations with year one engagement targets being met within the first six months. Seeing the campaign exceed expectations in raising awareness and engaging the community filled us with pride and satisfaction – however, it demonstrated the importance of informative, reliable and objective campaigns like this helping those when they need it most. Year two campaign planning is underway and it’s more ambitious and powerful than ever!

Power to the people.

If you’re interested in exploring a powerfully good project with us, drop us a message here

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