Nippon Electric Glass (NEG).

An employer brand to be proud of.


Strategy & Planning

Creative & Branding

Digital & Web

Campaigns & Comms

Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) asked us to help them shine a spotlight on its exceptional workforce to celebrate their achievements, valuable culture, and future sustainability ambitions. With a clear vision to cultivate pride and connection among employees, we were able to craft an employer strategy focused on amplifying the message of 'Building a stronger future for our people.'

This wasn't just about branding; it was about setting the foundation for sustained growth and a global presence rooted in impact and authenticity. Our goal was to help applaud the brilliance of the NEG family past, present and future. 

This time it’s personal.

This journey was all about teamwork, collaborating in working sessions, one-to-one interviews, and creative brainstorming to give everyone a say in shaping the brand’s future direction.

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Our mission was to delve deep into discovering what makes NEG and most importantly, its people, tick. What’s it like to work at NEG? What are the opportunities to do well? What are the people like? How important is equity and diversity? These were just some of the questions we set out to ask.

To truly connect, we needed to get personal, develop trust and build relationships. Through our research, we gathered insights, stories and experiences from every corner of the business – from people who had been there five months and some for 35 years. The enthusiasm and buy-in to share experiences was off the scale!

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Using our insights from the team, our challenge was to bring the employer brand to life, showcasing NEG’s spirit, passion, and humanity in a cohesive and meaningful way. Our hero brand video successfully achieved this; using real employee voices and stories of challenge, opportunity, and achievement to speak directly to potential and existing employees, coherently and clearly conveying what it truly means to be a part of the One Team. 

Go where the people are.  

Armed with a cohesive brand architecture and the right team-curated key messages, we set out to share them across the right channels, with the right people. From friendly WhatsApp messages to lively LinkedIn team-focussed posts, inspiring email bulletins and engaging microsites and dynamic point of sale, we made sure we were continually highlighting the scale and ambition of NEG UK's work, underpinned by ‘Building a stronger future for our people’.  

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A stronger brand for a stronger future.

Engaged, enthused, and informed team members ✓

Engaged, energised, and invested global partners and stakeholders ✓

An employer brand ready to help drive the charge towards net zero - helping recruit, retain, and celebrate the very best of UK talent ✓

“From in-depth team engagement to a brand video that really tells our story, Agent captured not just our image but the heartbeat of our 'One Team' culture.” 

A fantastic result, and testament to the power of good business. 

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